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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

arcplan meets Hichert Graphics with Outline Bars

Find out in this blog post how to successfully implement the SUCCESS Rules of Hichert by using arcplan.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

MRM-Increasing Efficiency in Consultancy Services

Find out how b.telligent scored in a project using an individually tailored MRM tools to substantial efficiency improvements for customers.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Client Technologies for arcplan 8

Find out more about the new innovations in the version of arcplan 8 and the very positive influence on future projects involving the arcplan product suit.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Location Based Advertising (LBA)

Find out more about this special type of online marketing: Location Based Advertising. Learn about the possibility of this way of personalized advertising.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

PROSET Research Project

The research project of b.telligent, TU Munich, ETH Zurich and o2 about the increase of productivity by Service Experience Management.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

arcplan meets Hichert - Uniform Scaling Graphics

In reporting and in presentations a uniform graphic scaling is important to convey information quickly and efficiently.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Mobile versus PC

Discover the different behaviors of PC and mobile users on the Internet. Learn more about it in our CI Insights blog!

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Best Practice in CRM: Evaluation of a Campaign Management

Learn how to build up know-how in the field of campaign management to get an optimal basis for decision making.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Efficient CRM Success Measurement

An efficient success reporting is essential for the evaluation and future strategic orientation of marketing measures. Learn more here!

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Performance Control of arcplan

How to boost the performance of arcplan while identifying individual performance killers is explained in this blog entry.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Effect of Cross-Up-Selling Strategies in Call Centers

CI Insights: Is cross-and up-selling in call centers always useful? This question was discussed in the study Proset. Learn more here!

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Customer Intelligence Existing Customer Management

Learn how "Customer Intelligence Existing Customer Management" can help to commit customers and secure competitive advantages.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Simultaneous Log-in multiple Databases

In this blog entry Stefan Rann presents another method to simplify the simultaneous arcplan log-in in multiple databases.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Forward-Looking Campaign Management Online Gaming

Campaign management is also becoming increasingly important in the online gaming sector. Learn how to optimize your CRM environment.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Retention and WinBack

Learn more at CI Insights about the success factors of Retention and WinBack and optimize the interaction of the two processes.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: the function MENUHIERARCHYSHOWPOPUP

b.telligent Expert Arno Velden is explaining the arcplan function MENUHIERACHYSHOWPOPUP in this blog entry.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Increasing Campaign Profitability SAS

Increasing Campaign Profitability by Introducing SAS Marketing Optimization. Learn more at Customer Intelligence Insights!

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Market Overview: CMS Software in German Market

You are looking for a suitable campaign management system for your company? b.telligent's market overview might help you.

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Tips & tricks: The arcplan Backgorund Report

To register with a single login for every necessary system? The usage of the arcplan background report ensures it.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

PROSET - Cross- and Up-Selling Measures

Learn more about PROSET and the substantial potential in the customer dialog with the business in call center.

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