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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Data-platform migration

Many companies are deciding to move their data warehouse (DWH) or data platform to the cloud. Which strategies help help to minimize any risks?

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Azure IoT Operations – New Opportunities with Kubernetes

Microsoft released IoT Operations in public preview. This blog highlights the new service’s features and how deployment functions.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Microsoft Fabric: Migration - advantages & chances?

The new SaaS solution from Microsoft has the potential to change the world of data. But should you migrate now?

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Sizing a Redshift database for a cloud DWH

A blog series where we, as AWS Advanced Partners, talk about our insights in the field of data and analytics solutions. This is part 1!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Data sharing to enable joint use of data products

Data sharing helps promote and accelerate collaboration between different data consumers. Learn more!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

How to set up a GDPR compliant data lake from scratch – 3

Implementing and enforcing the "right to be forgotten" according to the GDPR in Lakehouse? Find out how to do this in the 3rd part of the series!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

How to set up a GDPR compliant data lake from scratch – 2

In this 2nd part of the blog series you will learn what AWS Lake Formation is and what you can prevent with it.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

How to set up a GDPR compliant data lake from scratch – 1

In this blog post, we show you how to build a data lake that is also GDPR compliant. Read it now!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

SAP Data Warehouse Cloud: SAP BW Bridge

On the journey into the cloud – find out which options BW Bridge provides for a transition from existent, on-premise SAP BW systems to the SAP DWH.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

End of support for SQL Server 2012: 12.07 is the last day

Mid-July is the time: End of Support for SQL! We show you, what you can do now to avoid a compliance breach.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

The Spirit of Data - Distillation in SQL – Part 2

"Distilling the essence" – we show you how to put the theory into practice.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Data platforms: Complete, performant and secure - part 3

The last part of the blog series is about the Protegrity platform in detail and in interaction with Exasol.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Data platforms: Complete, performant and secure - part 2

Complete, performant and secure data. We show how the mutually conflicting requirements can be met.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Data platforms: Complete, performant and secure - part 1

We'll show you how your data platforms excel primarily in terms of data availability and security, as well as data processing speed

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

IoT ingestion with AWS Greengrass

IoT and Industry 4.0 are trending. We show you how to implement an edge solution with AWS Greengrass that sends machine data to the cloud.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Deployment with WhereScape RED: Best practices

This blog article presents best practices in deployment and development with WhereScape RED.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Deployment with WhereScape RED: Main features

This blog article shows the way to a sustainable deployment process in the context of WhereScape RED by providing tips and tricks related to prototypica

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

The Lakehouse approach - cloud data platform on AWS

Building a cloud data platform architecture on AWS? The AWS Lake House approach, with its integrated services, offers an interesting solution.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Extending functionality for warehouse usage

In this blog post, you'll learn how to optimize the combination of WhereScape and Snowflake and add virtual warehouse usage

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Using Azure to Process IoT Data – Step-by-Step Guide

Industrial Internet of Things with Azure – we’ll tell you how it’s done!

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