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Tips & tricks: arcplan Libraries

How the layout of reports is coordniated with the arcplan libaries is explained by Stefan Kersten in this blog entry.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Customer Intelligence Quick Check

What does the Customer Intelligence Quick Check look like and how can the Customer-Relationship be optimized?

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Intelligent Cross- & Up-Selling Next Best Activity

The NBA and the technical concept next best activity have common characteristics: The ability to work in a team, scoring, inspiration, passing...

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Step by step: Installing Configuring IIS7

How to install and configure the IIS7 as well as other parts of arcplan, is explained by this blog entry writen by b.telligent expert Stefan Rann.

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b.telligent Blog: Customer Intelligence Insights

Welcome to Customer Intelligence Insights

Our new blog offers the reader exciting and informative insights into interesting customer intelligence projects directly from practice.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & Tricks: How to sort Tables Hierachies

In this blog entry our expert Stefan Rann explains how to sort tables and hierachies in arcplan.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Switch between Hierarchies

How can various hierarchies be displayed in one object? An introduction of two possibilities.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting


The new functions READMETADATA() and PLACEMETADATA() offer a range of quite new possibilities. Arno Velden explains them in detail...

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Best Practice: arcplan Guidelines - Designing Documents

Learn from our b.telligent expert Stefan Ranns how to design documents the most effective way.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Switching between data sources

Often the relational data sources are located on one server. In this blog entry b.telligent explains how to switch databases skillfully...

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Best Practice: Do not Extend Arrows across Levels

This blog entry explains the heavy influence of connections between functions and objects. Moreover you get to know an ideal way of solving this "problem".

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

New Feature of arcplan 7: Function REPLACEEXPRESSION()

The release of arcplan 7, gives us the chance to use the new function REPLACEEXPRESSION(). We will explain the advantages of this function here.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Usage of V-Lookup in arcplan

This blog entry explains another possibility to use the V-Lookup in arcplan.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & Tricks: Speed increase of Requests in SAP BW

A high performing reporting system based on SAP BW has to prevent unnecessary queries. Our experts show how you can optimize your queries...

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & Tricks: How to avoid error reports in arcplan

Avoid error reports: b.telligent Experts Stefan Kersten shows how to check whether a object is there or not.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: The Repeat Loop as Performance Killer

Thus the repeat loop is a very fast function, it causes performance problems. Arcplan helps to solve them permanently.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & Tricks: Application closing by arcplan

b.telligent expert Stefan Kersten shows you in this blog entry which approach has to be used in order to close applications in applications in arcplan.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Best Practice: Ensuring the Clarity of Pop-up Entries

In arcplan the uniqueness of the selection in pop-up-menus is often not given. b.telligent presents a practical solution.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Preventing Unnecessary Data Requests

Sometimes the update routines in arcplan in high complex application have to be updated manually in order to ensure a performant application.

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Tips & tricks: Removing Double Entries from Column/Row

In this blog entry the b.telligent experts show two useful methods in order to remove double entries from column and row.

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