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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Extending functionality for warehouse usage

In this blog post, you'll learn how to optimize the combination of WhereScape and Snowflake and add virtual warehouse usage

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May the MarTech be with you – but how?

In the final article in our journey through MarTech, we'd like to offer you another short guide: four steps to a successful CRM strategy.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Using Azure to Process IoT Data – Step-by-Step Guide

Industrial Internet of Things with Azure – we’ll tell you how it’s done!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Parallel execution of SQL statements in LUA scripts

Exasol is known for its parallel processing of SQL statements. Here, we'll show you how you can also execute sequential LUA scripts in parallel.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

The Essence of Data – Distillation in SQL

Does your temporal database have countless versions, without relevant changes? If so, you’ve come to the right place, because we’ll demonstrate how to d

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b.telligent Blog: Reporting

Hints and tips for faster Tableau data sources

Are you dissatisfied with the performance of your Tableau data source? This blog explains what to do to speed up those annoying waiting times.

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Is your company ready for the Internet of Things?

Wish to master the challenges of the Internet of Things? Then you need to know your IoT maturity level. Discover yours with our IoT Readiness Assessment

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What's the relationship between cookies and consent?

Consent to the use of data from websites, apps, etc. – everyone wants it, but who really documents it properly? We reveal how it should be done!

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Consent management: How can I use my customers' data?

Anyone using data needs consent to do so – preferably obtained via a system that is transparent, properly documented, convenient and automated. Is that

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Blueprint: Cloud Data Platform Architecture – Analytics

Last but not least: In the 3rd part of the cloud blog series, we turn data into added value. Join in!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Blueprint: Cloud Data Platform Architecture – Data Lake

Want to take a header into the data lake of our Cloud Data Platform architecture? Let's go!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Blueprint: Cloud Data Platform Architecture – Ingestion

Ever thought about what the ideal Cloud Data Platform architecture should look like? We did!

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

How I became an Azure pro in four months

How do you turn a complete novice into an Azure professional in just four months? Our co-worker Kai describes his exciting journey into the Azure world.

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MarTech architecture: A map in the technology labyrinth

How can one counter the increasing complexity in marketing? Very simple: With a map! Our MarTech architecture provides orientation!

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The do's and don'ts of selecting a marketing cloud

Wie Du die Stolpersteine beim Einsatz einer Marketing Cloud umgehen kannst, zeigt Dir dieser Blogbeitrag!

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Automating marketing processes with MRM software

Are your marketing processes efficient? Or do you spend a lot of time on control & communication instead of value-adding work?

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b.telligent Blog: Data Science

6 steps for successful IoT projects

Would you like to implement digital transformation in the Internet of Things? No problem with our IoT adoption framework!

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MarTech Capabilities

In this article we ask the question: Which setup do I need to actually make my MarTech stack operational?

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MarTech: What the trend promises – and what it delivers

In this article you will learn more about the meaning and function of MarTech and how you can implement the tool in your company.

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b.telligent Blog: Data Warehouse & Business Intelligence

Python in Power BI

How do you use Python in Power BI, what options are there for visualization and reporting, and what do you have to watch out for? We'll show you!

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