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Presentation of Market Overview: Mobile Customer Engagement


Expanding the CRM-Strategy by means of Mobile Customer Engagement Solutions: b.telligent's New Market Overview Helps to Find the Right Provider

Munich, 24.09.2015 - The independent management consultancy b.telligent exclusively presented its brand new market overview regarding mobile customer engagement solutions (MCE) at this year's dmexco in Cologne. As first study of its kind, it offers a detailed overview of the previously intransparent market. Thus, the market overview structures and classifies the MCE solutions of 40+ providers and highlights their specific features.

Today, mobile apps are a fixed component of our modern everyday life. In addition to messaging services, the mobile camera and the fitness tracker, the smart phone is increasingly used as shopping channel. Applications from the segments retail, travel, automobile and classified ads jointly amounted to 70+ percent of the mobile clicks in the first quarter of 2014. The development and communication of the mobile world of experience is deemed as important core element for a successful mobile customer engagement strategy of businesses for the coming years. With the increasing distribution of apps, mobile customer engagement is becoming an important component of the holistic CRM strategy of a business.


Mobile Customer Engagement is the Main Objective of Mobile App Strategies

Nevertheless, many businesses do not yet adjust their mobile offering to the customers` needs. According to an Adobe study, parameters such as leads generated via mobile and conversion rates, which are indispensable for marketing success, are recorded by only a few businesses. All signs indicate that mobile measures are much too often played out without valid knowledge about the users and their behavior. According to Abode, a "blind flight" by which marketing budget is wasted. 42 percent of the agencies and executives in retail thus classify mobile engagement as the main objective of their mobile app strategies, as the E-Commerce Industry Outlook 2015 published by the marketing technology business Criteo states.


Not just a News and Shopping Channel: Three Classifications of Mobile Apps in Practice

b.telligent's market overview, unique in its kind, provides information on how mobile customer engagement solutions should be integrated into existing or new multi-channel environments and into which categories the total of 43 included solutions can be classified. Because businesses do not only use an app in order to provide certain digital products and services, but also in order to play out targeted messages via this channel. In this context, a classification into the groups "Mobile User Analytics", "Mobile Notifications" and "Mobile Service & Helpdesk" proves to be sensible in practice. In this context, "Mobile User Analytics" describes the detection of particular user behavior and patterns (e.g. app visits, clicks within the app, length of stay, operating system, hardware, location of the user etc.). Solutions belonging to the mobile notifications segment enable a direct customer contact in order to fulfill a particular marketing objective (e.g. increase in frequency, increase in sales or increase in loyalty). This includes the situational dispatch of push notifications and emails. Mobile service and helpdesk solutions ensure a direct interaction between customer and service and/or helpdesk employees of a business within an app.


Each Provider has Special Know-How

"Today, no provider is able to offer all solutions at once; instead, providers from the six categories - digital agencies, consultancies, mobile specialists, product development specialists, system integrators and telecommunication businesses - pursue individual objectives", says Laurentius Malter, Head of the Competence Center Customer Intelligence with b.telligent. Thus, the Adobe Marketing Cloud convinces by real time evaluations for analysis and campaigns, whereas the California-based Aruba networks is specialized in the integration of indoor location/beacons. Urbin Airship from Portland, USA, provides mobile marketing solutions in order to develop customer relationships by means of push messages, in-app messages, location and radius targeting. By means of this solution, it is e.g. possible to integrate with Google Wallet and Apple Passbook.

b.telligent's market overview "Mobile Customer Engagement Solutions" gives businesses which want to expand and refine their holistic CRM strategy a guideline which helps them to find a solution suitable for them.

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Lena Blumoser
Senior Communication Specialist