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Webinar: Inbound's Next Best Activity

The Next Best Activity (NBA) paradigm is transforming customer management and direct marketing towards a more customer-centric perspective. This prioritizes and evaluates possible actions on the part of the customer, taking into account the specific interests of the customer, company or product strategies and the company's communication policy.

NBA is particularly valuable in inbound sales, where its success is quantifiable. A presentation of a specific use case and best practice with the NBA Advisor explains all.

Contents of the webinar

  • Introduction to the Next Best Activity concept
  • Potential applications in sales and service
  • The need to rethink sales strategies
  • Data preparation and typical pitfalls
  • Concrete use case: inbound sales
  • Best practice: NBA Framework

Why you shouldn't miss this webinar

NBA will continue to grow in importance in the future. If you believe in the success of your business, be sure to watch this free webinar. Our two experts will explain all the important details of Next Best Action and present a case study showing you how to use them.

Your speakers

Alexander Nitsche, Customer Intelligence team leader
Lisa Schmitz, product manager

Alexander Nitsche is a team leader in our Customer Intelligence department. For the past six years, he has been advising clients from various industries on matters related to business intelligence, customer intelligence and e-commerce. His project experience covers the entire value-added process from analysis, planning and conceptual design to the implementation of cross-industry projects.

Lisa Schmitz is in charge of software products at b.telligent. Prior to joining us, she spent ten years at PAYBACK, where her responsibilities included developing an internal campaign system and rolling it out to four international markets. Her main focus was on the continuous improvement of customer-specific targeting and next best activity.

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